Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bulgarian Moussaka

3 servings (small size)

5 medium size Idaho potatoes
1/2 lb ground pork
1 onion
black pepper (to taste)
salt (to taste)
1 Tbs paprika
4 Tbs oil
1 large pinch of Bulgarian spice "Gyozum" (close to oregano/spearmint)
1 egg
4-5 Tbs plain Bulgarian yogurt (plain Green yogurt will work too)
1 Tbs flour


  • pre-heat oven to 450°F
  • peel potatoes and chop into small cubes (about 1/3") and add to (Pyrex) baking pan (you don't need to grease it up as the meat and oil will do that for you)
  • mix ground pork with chopped potatoes (use water to moisten the meat to avoid it getting sticky to your fingers)
  • finely chop and add onion to meat and potatoes
  • season the meat and potatoes with black pepper, paprika, salt, and gyozum (Bulgarian spice close to oregano)
  • add the oil and mix everything up before putting in oven
  • add about a 1/4 cup of water to the mixture (all over the mixture, don't just dump the water in a corner)
  • put in oven (lower heat to 350°F if you don't feel comfortable with such a high heat, or have had previous burning)
  • let the potatoes and meat cook and soften up, lightly stirring the mixture to allow evenness
  • once potatoes are cooked, add the tomato sauce again stirring lightly (you don't want to mash the potatoes) let the tomato sauce cook for about 15-20 minutes more (keep checking in between that time frame, NO LONGER STIRRING/MIXING)
  • in a soup bowl, mix 1 egg with 4-5 table spoons of yogurt and one tablespoon of flower; mix the ingredients vigorously so there are no lumps
  • once everything is cooked, add the egg mixture on top of the mousaka, spreading it all over the top with a spoon
  • turn the oven to broil and let it cook until lightly brown (about 10+ minutes)

*all time measurements are based on 450°F

**By the way, the above picture is not my own, I forgot to snap one when it was complete. By the time I remembered to do so, it was all gone! Anyway, this is close enough picture of what you should expect :)